External funding and collaborations

Grants received as principal applicant

2022: Integration grant (ANR-10-LABX-41) to move my research group in the Plant Genome and Development Laboratory (LGDP; http://lgdp.univ-perp.fr/) in Perpignan, in summer 2023. Budget: 330 K€. Role: Coordinator.   

2022-2025: PhD grant (ANR-10-LABX-49-01). Project title: “CO2NTROL: Remote control of gene expression by CO2 in green microalgae.”. Budget: 130 K€. Role: Coordinator and PhD supervisor.   

2018-2022: Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP). Project title: “Integrated view of photosynthetic control in algae”. In collaboration with Arthur Grossman (Stanford University), Chuan He (University of Chicago), Zoran Nikoloski (University of Potsdam). Budget: 1,07 M€. Role: Coordinator.

2018-2022: Young Investigator grant (ANR-18-CE20-0006). Project title: “MetaboLight- Regulation of Algae Photosynthesis by Light and Metabolic signals”. Budget: 235 K€. Role: Coordinator.

2018-2021: CEA/ Fundamental Research Division. PhD grant. Budget: 100 K€. Subject: “Phototropin-dependent signalling in Chlamydomonas”. Role: Director of thesis.

2021-2022: CEA/ Fundamental Research Division. Bottom-Up Research Grant. Budget: 50 K€. Partner: Gatien Fleury, CEA Cadarache. Project title: “MICROalgae Photosynthesis Optimization to develop starch-based Plastic”. Role: Coordinator.

2018-2019: CEA/ Fundamental Research Division. Bioenergy grant. Collaborative project with Gilles Peltier (CEA Cadarache), Diana Kirilovsky (CEA Saclay) and Franck Chauvat (CEA Saclay). Project title: “REMEMBER: REdirecting Microalgal photosynthEsis towards enhanced BiofuEl production”. Budget: 160 K€. Role: Coordinator.

2016-2018: Research grant (ANR-10-LABX-49-01). Project title: “ChlamyPHOT: Towards elucidating the phototropin-dependent pathway regulating photoprotection in the green microalga Chlamydomonas”. Budget: 120 K€. Role: coordinator

Grants received as co-applicant

2022-2024: Cross disciplinary tools (CDTools) grant funded by the French National Research Agency in the framework of the Investissements d’Avenir program (IDEX). Project title: “Origin of Life”. Budget: 600 K€ total; Budget for my group: 90 K€ covering 18-month postdoc salary plus bench fees. Role: Principal Investigator. Coordinator: Xavier Delfosse.

2018-2021: PhD grant funded by the Investissements d’Avenir program (ANR-15-IDEX-02) “Origin of Life”. Budget: 130 K€. Subject: “Phototropin controls carbon partitioning in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii”. Role: Director of thesis. Coordinator: Xavier Delfosse.

2016-2023: Participation in the industrial project of Total Bioenergies aiming in boosting lipid biosynthesis in microalgae. Coordinator: Severine Collin


Prof. Dr. Arthur Grossman (Stanford, USA). Expertise in algal metabolism and genetics.

Prof. Dr. Zoran Nikoloski (University of Potsdam, Germany). Expertise in systems biology and modelling.

Prof. Dr. John Christie (University of Glasgow, UK). Expertise in photomorphogenesis and UV-B/blue light signalling.

Prof. Dr. Leslie Hicks (University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA). Expertise in Proteomics; Posttranslational Modifications; Mass Spectrometry.

Prof. Dr. Matias Zurbriggen, (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany). Expertise in Synthetic Biology and Optogenetics.

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